EC redefines Speed Zone Update: 23 May 2013 - EC management seems to have deleted the mildly controversial reference to an under-age 40 requirements from the AdvanceNashville site.-Ed.
SIXTEEN Under-40 Nashville area execs will be chosen to chair Nashville Entrepreneur Center focus areas by the time the EC moves into its Rolling Mill Hill quarters in June.
Current non-Members and Members alike are invited to apply for the leadership slots by the June 1 deadline, according to the new AdvanceNashville site.
The recruitment process is on an aggressive schedule, befitting the experience the new program promises.
Winners will be chosen by a committee of the EC board of directors, will serve one-year terms and may apply for a second term. Investment? Your human capital. Lots of it.
Those selected for the intense new volunteer roles will be announced June 19, when the EC is scheduled to occupy its new quarters at the Trolley Barns on Rolling Mill Hill.
Michael Burcham |
Presumably led by EC CEO Michael Burcham, the new cadre of change agents will each have a mentor from the ranks of the EC board of directors, and will have opportunities to pitch ideas directly to the board.
There's no free lunch, of course: Chosen volunteers will "own" their respective focus areas, and will help drive expansion of the EC's entrepreneurial network.
The online application process is demanding, calling for essay answers about vision, priorities and prior leadership accomplishments, among other things.
Applicants are invited to rank-order the focus areas they'd like to lead. The Sixteen focus areas that need chairpersons are:
- Membership
- Startup Tennessee
- Investible Story Series
- Women Entrepreneurship
- Youth Entrepreneurship
- College Entrepreneurship
- Veteran Entrepreneurs
- Healthcare Vertical
- Digital Media Vertical
- Social Enterprise Vertical
- Technology Vertical
- Mentoring
- Hall of Fame
- Google 'Lemonade Day'
- NEXT Awards
- Investor Relations
Interesting thing about the Application page for AdvanceNashville: No contact information. If you're intimidated by the instructions and application form, 'best wait a year, maybe two. VNC