Month |
Dates |
Event |
September |
4 |
TN Valley Venture Forum app. deadline |
5 |
TSBDC Small Business Boot Camp - TSU downtown campus |
9 |
TN HiMSS Southeast Summit - Nashville |
10 |
AITP Nashville Chapter - Demand for IT skills - Hol. Inn. VU |
10-11 |
Annual Meeting - Tennessee Biotechnology Assn. Nashville |
14-15 |
56th Governor's Economic Development Conference: VCs, bridge financing, international and more. |
17 |
8th Annual NTC-ISSA Infosec Nashville conference |
Entrepreneur Center (online) to be launched by Nashville Area Chamber, P2010, Nashville Technology Council, et al. |
21-22 |
NHCC-Infocast Health Care Deal Making Summit, Nashville |
23 |
Mind2Marketplace Entrepreneurial Roundtable Meeting |
23-24 |
Leadership Health Care Wall Street Delegation |
25 |
Healthcare Heroes Awards Luncheon - NBJ |
26 |
Digital Nashville Hands-On Nashville community service event |
30 |
Digital Nashville Town Hall Mixer |
October |
2 |
2nd Annual Healthcare Business Alliance - Owen GSM, Vanderbilt Univ. |
9-11 |
Nashville Startup Weekend, Owen GSM, VU |
13-14 |
Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference - FedEx Institute U. Memphis |
15 |
TechStar Awards NE TN Tech. Council, Johnson City. |
17 |
Barcamp Nashville, details here. |
20-22 |
Innovation Imperative program VCs, entrepreneurs - Knoxville |
21-29 |
State of TN China Trade Mission - Gov. Phil Bredesen |
22 |
Tennessee Valley Venture Forum - Knoxville Conv. Cntr. |
27 |
Nashville Technology Council Awards Gala |
30 |
NBJ-VACO CFO Awards Luncheon |
TBA. |
Digital Nashville program on Music Industry (Tenta.) |
5 |
NTC Roundtable: Protecting Intellectual Prop.-Details TBA.
5-7 |
LAMP Summit and Big LAMP Camp, Nashville & Franklin |
16-21 |
Global Entrepreneurship Week. US and TN Links. |
22-23 |
Tennessee Valley Corridor SE Summit, with Mind2Marketplace in Murfreesboro. |
30-1 |
2nd Innovation Conference - Tennessee Technology Development Corp. (TTDC), Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. Details TBA. |
December |
NTC Roundtable: Capital Formation. Details TBA. |
Fall 09 TBA*
* TTDC-NCN Angel Investor Best Practices report. TBA. |
* TTDN TN Strategic Research Perspectives (R&D, commercialization, etc.). TBA. |