Venture Calendar 2015 - Updated

Milt Capps updated Dec. 2, 2015

Venture Calendar 2015 - Updated | Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell Berkowitz, accelerators, events, StartCo, LaunchTN, 3680, thirtysixeight, Pando, Pandoland, healthcare, Nashville Health Care Council, Seed Hatchery, Upstart, SkyHigh, Health Further, Jumpstart Foundry, GigTank, Digital Nashville, ZeroTo510, EPIcenter, Memphis Bioworks Foundation, Spark Technology Forum, GROWCO, INC Magazine, economic development, rural, government, LifeScience Tennessee, Hack Tennessee, Knoxville Chamber, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, CoWrite, Hack Create, CMA Music Festival, Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference, Gov. Bill Haslam, economic development, Global Entrepreneurship Week, National Entrepreneurship Week, LifeScience Tennessee, accelerators, A3E, Future of Audio Conference, Co.Starters, AutoXLR8R, automotive, manufacturing, Startup Global, INFORMS, analytics, operations research, Ingram Content Group, 1440, Publishing, AgLaunch, Mid-South Family Farms, manufacturing, Aglaunch, agriculture, Digital Nashville, economic development, Node, Javascript, Nodevember, training, education, software development, Louisville Digital Association, digital media, marketing, Vol Court, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Brookings Institution, Delta Regional Authority, Start Co., JusticeXL, Southern Middle Tennessee Entrepreneur Centers, Music City Code, Codeworks, BarCamp, RedPepper, Innovation Forge, Accelnow, StartupWeekend, EPICenter, Northwest Tennessee Entrepreneur Center, 100 Girls of Code, Social Enterprise Alliance, Good Makers Market, NEXT Nashville, Will This Float, 48 Hour Launch, energy, Venture Calendar, calendars,

Also Visit : 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |

March 1 - Deadlines for Memphis StartCo accelerators Seed Hatchery (B2B), Upstart (Women), SkyHigh (Social impact).

March 5 - Nashville Health Care Council - Healthcare and Big Data - Waller Lansden Center.

March 5 - Digital Nashville Relaunch - Hyatt Place in Cool Springs.

March 15 - ZeroTo510 Medical Device Accelerator (EPICenter Memphis, StartCo) application deadline.

March 19 - Bizaroo - Growing Small Business - Nashville Area Chamber.

Mar 25 - Spark! Technology Forum - ORNL, UTRF tech showcase at Tech 2020, Oak Ridge.

March 26 - LaunchTN and The Tenn master-accelerator startups report in event at The Standard, Nashville.

March 31 - GigTank Chattanooga, applications deadline.

April 7-9 - INC GROWCO conference Omni Nashville Hotel.

April 8 - TechVenture pitches - LifeScience Tennessee at Bradley Arant - Time TBD.

April 15 - Healthcare Lawyers: Women's Leadership Institute - Details. Bass Berry - Baker Donelson - Horne execs helping shape program.

April 21 - Nashville Chamber - Business Studio - Actionable Business Plan workshop. Details.

April 22 - Vanderbilt Accelerator Summer Business Institute app deadline.

April 27-28 - iiBIG Healthcare Investment and M&A Opportunities Omni Nashville Hotel

Apr 29-30 USDA Rural Development Conference Embassy Suites, Murfreesboro.

May 1-3 Hack Tennessee - Nashville at Track One, 4th Ave. Produced by CoWrite (Hack Create LLC).

May 6 - Nashville Health Care Council - Financing the Deal luncheon.

May 8 - Knoxville Chamber Pinnacle Business Awards.

May 12-14 - Music Business Association Music Biz 2015 Sheraton Downtown Nashville.

May 14-17 - Start-Q StartCo event - Memphis

May 27-28 - Tennessee Valley Corridor National Summit - ETSU.

June 2 - UT Research Foundation "Opportunity Now" Ideas to Market workshop, 0900-1500 ET. UT campus.

June 3 - Nashville Health Care Council 20th anniversary reception.

June 8 - Ask the Experts - LifeScience TN - Academic partnerships, IP, regulatory issues. At Waller Lansden. Details here.

June 8-10 - LaunchTN 36|86. Marathon Music Works, Nashville.

June 11-14 - CMA Music Festival in Nashville + Bonnaroo 2015 at Manchester, Tennessee.

June 15-17 - Pando Pandoland. Marathon MusicWorks. Nashville.

June 15 - TheCO, Jackson. BestInTheWest startup video competition, app deadline.

June 18 - Power of 10. MidTN/Cumberland strategic Transportation planning. Begins 1:30pm TPAC downtown.

July 7 - Startup Global all day for businesses with international ambitions. Nashville Entrepreneur Center.

July 11 - A3E Future of Audio Conference, Nashville.

July 23 - Nashville Technology Council Annual Meeting, LinkedIn Product Management VP Allen Blue presenter. City Winery.

July 28 - Gigtank Demo Day. Chattanooga.

July 29-31 - INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Operations Research, Omni Hotel, Nashville.

Aug. 7 - Deadline for applications for the new Ingram Content Group 1440 Publishing Accelerator at the EC.

Aug. 11 - MediaWorks Accelerator Demo Day, Knoxville Entrepreneur Center, for Media, Entertainment, Content and related domains.

Aug. 13 - Joint Startco & EPICenter Investor Day for SeedHatchery, Upstart, SkyHigh, ZeroTo510.

Aug. 18 - Nashville Health Care Council economic impact report released. Bridge Building, Nashville.

Aug. 18 - Digital Nashville at Emma Bistro - Networking and Hot-topic presentation. Register here.

Aug. 19-20 - Jumpstart Foundry's Health:Further conference - Omni Nashville Hotel.

Aug. 20 - AgLaunch funding announcement by TN Dept of Agriculture and Memphis Bioworks Foundation, Ripley, TN.

Aug. 28 - AutoXLR8R Demo Day, Tech2020, Oak Ridge. Confirmed here.

Aug. 29 - Music City Code conference for technologists. Details.

Aug. 31 - Sept. 4 - AutoXLR8R road show.

Sept. 1 - Project Music accelerator Class 2 applications due in.

Sept. 8 - JusticeXL (law, safety, corrections verticals) accelerator debuts at Southern Middle Tennessee Entrepreneur Centers (SMTEC), Tullahoma.

Sept. 15 - Brookings Institution and Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. hold private conference on expanding regional/local commercialization of technologies in advanced industries. ORNL.

Sept. 18 - Start Co. Delta Regional Challenge kickoff event(s). Details here.

Sept. 23 - Application deadline #Codeworks Knoxville Entrepreneur Center, details here.

Sept. 23-24 - ORNL industrial partnership event, details here. Energy efficiency, renewables are focus.

Sept 28-30 - LifeScience Tennessee Annual Conference - Downtown Doubletree Hotel.

Sept. 29 - ISSA MidTN INFOSEC cybersecurity conference, Music City Center.

Sept. 30 - Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Partnership 2020 meeting, CMHoF&M, details here.

Oct. 2 - Tennessee Manufacturing Excellence Summit, Adventure Science Center, Nashville. Also American Mftg. Day.

Oct. 6 - Regional Advanced Manufacturing Partnership expo, Hilton Knoxville, Alcoa. Details here.

Oct. 8 - Louisville Digital Summit, details here.

Oct. 13-14 - Tennessee Governor's Economic Development Conference, Gov. Bill Haslam presiding.

Oct. 12-16 - Chattanooga Startup Week.

Oct. 13-14 - Angel Summit, Chattanooga.

Oct. 14-16 - Co.Starters Summit, Chattanooga.

Oct. 16-18 - StartupWeekend by Innovation Forge, AccelNow, et al. Kingsport. Details.

Oct. 17 - BarCamp Nashville at Redpepper. Details here.

Oct. 18-20 - Tennessee Auto Manufacturing Summit, Nashville.

October 19 - LaunchTN Innovation Exchange. Corporations and University tech transfer execs trade info.

Oct. 20 - Vol Court Pitch Competition, Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville. Details.

Oct. 27 - Nashville IT Summit, by EFMEvents and Nashville Technology Council.

Oct. 29-30 - HiMSS Summit of the Southeast, Music City Center, Nashville. Details.

Oct. 31 - Maker Exhibit Day, theCO, Jackson. Details.

Nov. 2 - Memphis StartCo 2016 accelerators' application period opens today! Details.

Nov. 3 - Drones in Commerce, Nashville Entrepreneur Center, details here.

Nov. 3-4 - Musculoskeletal New Ventures Conference - FedEx Institute of Technology, University of Memphis.

Nov. 4-5 - Nashville Analytics Summit - Nashville Technology Council.

Nov. 6 - Project Music accelerator applications deadline. Nashville Entrepreneur Center. Details here.

Nov. 7 - TechCamp Memphis, details here.

Nov. 8 - Nashville EC and Social Enterprise Alliance sponsor #GoodMakersMarket 11a-4p, details here.

Nov. 11 - Nashville Health Care Council panel on consolidation among payers, details here.

Nov. 12 - Scaling-up Growth at EPICenter, Memphis. Details.

Nov. 14-15 - Nodevember - Node and Javascript workshop series at Lipscomb University.

Nov. 16-18 - Global Action Summit. Nashville.

Nov. 18 - JusticeXL accelerator Demo Day, Tullahoma, details here.

Nov. 19 - Memphis EPICenter Logistics Accelerator Demo Day, Details.

Nov. 19 - Knoxville Startup Day. Details TK.

Nov. 19 - NEXT Nashville annual awards by Nashville Chamber, Entrepreneur Center, details here.

Nov. 20 - 48 Hour Launch, the Biz Foundry, Cookeville. Registration.

Nov. 21 - 100 Girls of Code at NW Tennessee Entrepreneur Center, Martin.

Nov. 20-22 - Memphis 48HourLaunch details here.

Nov. 16-22 - Global Entrepreneurship Week. (The next U.S. National Entrepreneurship Week is Feb. 20-27, 2016).

Nov. 30 - Deadline for apps for Ingram CG-backed 1440 Accelerator for Publishing startups. At Nashville EC, details.

Dec. 1 - Application deadline for Chattanooga's Will This Float competition, details here.

Dec. 14 - 15 Tennessee Clean Energy Conference at Cookeville, details here and agenda here. Registration here.

LOOK AHEAD to 2016 Calendar, which is now building here.