Nashville VCs have strong views on 'what it takes'
Milt Capps
It was a memorable moment during the Nashville Health Care Council's recent mergers and acquisitions conference.One by one, a panel of out-of-town venture capitalists had just confirmed that -- despite Nashville's pride in its healthcare services startups -- most of the nation's VCs know little about the city's entrepreneurial track record. Worse, when it comes to technology, the city's seldom a blip on major VCs' radar. Then, panelist Allen Moseley, managing partner of Noro-Moseley in Atlanta, lightened the moment by reminding the audience of 450 executives they don't need to go New York or California, because his firm lies just down I-24, anytime they'd like to visit. The day's events and ensuing public discussion seemed to broaden the dialogue in Nashville about capital -- prompting VNC to touch base with members of the local VC community, on a variety of issues. Petra Capital recently announced it has raised about $160 million for its third venture fund. Petra recruited about $150 million for two previous funds. "I think we just need to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater," he cautioned. He explained that while Nashville is "certainly predominantly perceived as a healthcare services market," most cities with which Nashville competes don't enjoy any such reputational advantage among investors. Second, said Blackburn, "money doesn't grow on trees, so we have to raise it, in order to invest it." Underscoring a point he Third, Blackburn said Tennesseans need to know that institutional investors in Nashville and Tennessee do not enjoy the sort of legislated support that gives a boost to their counterparts in such areas as Silicon Valley, Austin and Boston. Blackburn pointed to Tennessee laws that he said prevent those who manage state pension funds from investing in "alternative assets," a situation he described as "archaic," in that it precludes prudent diversification of investment and allocation of assets. Worth noting in the context of business climate and incentives or disincentives: Petra Capital has been awarded grants from the state governments of both Arkansas and Iowa. In exchange, Petra has promised to pursue good deals in those states, but with no obligation to invest. Blackburn said the two "capital starved" states are helping market Petra and other venture initiatives. SOLIDUS WILL NOT RELY ON INSTITUTIONS A complaint sometimes heard is that Nashville has too few "institutional venture capitalists" (IVCs). However, interviewing numerous local players, VNC found that the definition of an institutional VC is fluid, at best. Hoping for a benchmark, VNC interviewed Paul Kedrowsky (at right), a senior fellow at the highly regarded, pro-enterprise Anything less, Kedrowsky said, is typically "just a bunch of high net-worth individuals." He added that almost all funds are forced to be non-institutional VCs initially, and "then over time almost all of those funds try to make the leap" to IVC status. He added, "The trick is that these institutional investors are pretty skittish characters, and they want ten years of great results, and they wants lots of infrastructure -- so, they can be a pain in the ass, so be careful what you wish for."
Gatto, who joined Solidus from Massey Burch, said the Solidus fund, which has about $50 million under management, has been designed to work well with individual or family offices, "and most of our investors are individuals or family offices." He added that while while Solidus doesn't "really pursue large institutional investors," the fund has two such. COUNCIL VENTURES: BUILDING AN INSTITUTION Alluding to laws and regulations governing fundraising, the Council Ventures (CV) management team declined to comment on how they're faring in attempting to raise funds for Council's second fund. However, during an extensive interview and e-mail exchanges with the CV management team earlier this summer, Co- Bottorff, who began his banking career here 40 years ago, noted that "Tennessee has a lot more intellectual capital than financial capital," stressed that CV realizes the need to demonstrate for institutional investors that Council Ventures has both financial expertise and operating expertise and insight. Council Ventures is unequivocal in declaring it aims for nothing less than institutional venture-capital status. CV Co-Founder, Managing Partner and CEO Katie Gambill told VNC, "We are building a Nashville-based venture capital institution to invest across all stages of venture capital including early-stage."
'Heavyweight' is a term that could be fairly applied to the members of the CV CEO Council, as well as to its clutch of operating partners that now includes serial healthcare entrepreneur Charlie Martin and Luke Simons, long associated with J.C. Bradford/UBS. Peat, who has been with CV eight years and has broad experience with technology startups, added that he believes CV can leverage local expertise to create, among other things, a new generation of ventures centered around data-management and business-process requirements within healthcare enterprises -- spanning informatics, revenue-cycle management, clinical outsourcing and other targets. ♦