Council Ventures adds VC general partner
Milt Capps
Nashville's Council Ventures has added a general partner with deep VC experience in healthcare and healthcare IT investing.
Word of Jackson's joining Council's 2nd Avenue office has been circulating and Council has been introducing him to the business community, for weeks. In the absence of a formal announcement from Council, the recent addition of Jackson's profile to Council's website seems to make it official. Jackson made the move close-on-the-heels of one of his latest deals at Aurora, the sale of Glen Allen, Va.-based Agility Healthcare Solutions to General Electric's Healthcare unit, under undisclosed terms, less than two years after Aurora invested with other VCs in Agility. At Aurora, Jackson helped develop life-sciences deal flow; led the company's healthcare investing effort; and, held board seats or observer status with four healthcare-sector firms: ALN Medical Services, Agility Healthcare Solutions, Valor Healthcare, Trivrix and UES. He also previously served in a VC group within Compaq Computer in Palo Alto, and was a manager at Accenture, where he reportedly focused on IT assessment and implementation associated with M&A transactions. Jackson earned his MBA Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and was a Siebel Scholarship recipient (Class of 2001). For other recent coverage of Council Ventures, please click here. ♦